Norsk B2 - Ensomhet i Norge
English text
Many people feel alone in Norway, especially immigrants. Coping with loneliness is not easy. Here are my thoughts on it and I hope that it will help you deal with it more effectively.
Life is like a pyramid. At the bottom, there will be more space and more people. But as you climb up, there is less space and less people. Norway is considered one of the best countries in the world and therefore it is at the top of the ranking and therefore there are fewer people which leads to feelings of loneliness.
Thousands of years ago, when we lived in the forests, we lived in groups. Living alone meant certain death, especially at night. Humans cannot see or hear as well as animals do at night. We are unable to defend ourselves against an attack by an animal or another human even during the day. We need to eat and drink more often than animals do, and therefore the danger of death is even more immediate if we lived alone.
So we were always in a big group that was a joint family. In this way we had food, water and protection from danger, especially at night when we slept
This arrangement was good for everyone and did have its problems, but people have lived like this for thousands of years all over the world and families stuck together during crisis, pandemics, famines and world wars.
Norsk Tekst
Mange føler seg alene i Norge, spesielt innvandrere. Å takle ensomhet er ikke lett. Her er mine tanker om det, og jeg håper at det vil hjelpe deg med å håndtere det mer effektivt.
Livet er som en pyramide. I bunnen blir det mer plass og flere folk. Men når du klatrer opp, blir det mindre plass og mindre folk. Norge regnes som et av de beste landene i verden og derfor er det på toppen av rangstigen og derfor er det færre mennesker som fører til ensomhetsfølelse.
For tusenvis av år siden, da vi bodde i skogene, bodde vi i grupper. Å bo alene betydde en sikker død, spesielt om natten. Mennesker kan ikke se eller høre så godt som dyr gjør om natten. Vi er ikke i stand til å forsvare oss mot et angrep fra et dyr eller et annet menneske selv om dagen. Vi trenger å spise og drikke oftere enn dyr gjør, og derfor er dødsfaren enda mer umiddelbar hvis vi bodde alene.
Så vi var alltid i en stor gruppe som var en felles familie. På denne måten hadde vi mat, vann og beskyttelse mot fare, spesielt om natten når vi sov
Denne ordningen var bra for alle og hadde sine problemer, men mennesker har levd slik i tusenvis av år over hele verden og familier holdt sammen under kriser, pandemier, hungersnød og verdenskriger.
Men situasjonen har endret seg de siste to hundre årene, fra oppdagelsen av elektrisitet og dampmaskinen, har verden endret seg fullstendig. Det skapte den industrielle revolusjonen og folk begynte å reise for flere jobbmuligheter og bedre økonomi vekk fra familien. Behovet for en beskyttende familie reduserte og det var bedre å bo borte fra et fast sted og utforske nye steder og oppleve nye kulturer.
Dette førte til en rask utvikling av samfunn over hele verden, og hastigheten som verden endret seg med var raskere enn hastigheten vår egen kropp og sinn kunne tilpasse seg.
Denne hastigheten har akselerert på grunn av internett revolusjonen og har gjort det mulig for folk å leve lenger fra hverandre.
Mens verden rundt oss har utviklet seg, tenker tankene våre fortsatt på ensomhet som mangel på mat, husly og død.
I virkeligheten betyr det å leve alene i dagens verden at vi ikke lenger trenger å dele ressurser eller kompromittere ideene våre, men hjernen identifiserer fortsatt ensomhet som en fare og gir fra oss reaksjoner som tvinger oss til å finne en gruppe. Å ikke finne en passende gruppe fører til depresjon.
Så når du føler deg ensom, vær rask til å minne deg selv på at dette ikke er noe mer enn vår egen langsomme evolusjonære respons på det raskt skiftende miljøet rundt oss.
Hva synes du om teksten? Skriv ned tankene dine om det.
Teksten ovenfor er definitivt et unikt perspektiv på ensomhet. Norge er på toppen av pyramiden, i hvert fall når det gjelder økonomisk suksess. For innvandrere som kommer fra høyt befolkede land, er det å være alene synonymt med å være uheldig og mislykket.
Vi må minne oss selv på at vi er modige nok til å bo langt unna hjemmet og familien vår, og derfor må vi være modige nok til å møte ensomhet.
Excellent 👌
ReplyDeleteVery well written and articulated thoughts. While living on foreign lands is challenging, you can be equally lonely in your own country. It is all about managing your expectations from life and people around you.
ReplyDeleteFully agree with the view. It's felt not only in Norway but in every part of the world among senior citizens especially after their responsibilities. It is understood that youngsters are creating lot of groups who conduct various programs to overcome this issue among youngsters. With respect to senior citizens We should find a solution to this. Living in a group is more challenging with the different mindsets of people. Everyone should come forward to live in a group to overcome the loneliness which will create happiness to everyone. In this direction, lot of senior citizens communities are coming up in various parts of India in which people are living very happily and leading active lives.
ReplyDeleteI think its all in the mind ! If we feel we are lonely, we will be ! And vice versa ! It depends on us how positively & constructively we take our loneliness. We can be lonely with people all around and we can be cheerful & occupied even if we are alone. So its all our psychological disposition.
ReplyDeleteThe article rightly captures the mental status of people away from their home countries. Well-written & rightly expressed ! Kudos !👍
I too agree with it 😊🤗🙌
DeleteWell organised thoughts. Yes it is a concern which is beyond address, One needs to adapt to the situation. Make friends. Enjoy. Though it is easier to say, I think that is how it is. Humam had also evolved where the journey is unidirectional.
ReplyDeleteThought provoking! Loneliness can affect anyone irrespective of age, gender, ethnicity, location, disability and circumstances. It's one of the largest health challenges we face in today's world. Timely addressal of the issue can help one improve their lifestyle!
ReplyDeleteVery well expressed....but loneliness isn't a problem pertaining ONLY TO NORWAY...IT CAN BE ANYWHERE....even if u stay within a family, u can still b lonely....basically it's all a matter of coping with your situation...a positive mindset will give you many acquaintances but you can really bond only if ur wavelength matches with the other person...with the current family structure and the competitive lifestyle, it's very difficult to socialize...everyone is involved in the materialistic rat race...the moment we realize the problem and reduce our materialistic outlook, we can have a better understanding of this core problem, which is becoming an epidemic and most of us are not equipped to overcome this....
ReplyDeleteThe article is nicely mentioning about some realistic situations when we are feeling lonely. Very impressive!! Actually, this happens with each of us at some point of time in life. It is our own choice to be away from one to another home. Living around our family is always a bliss, may be local, but when we cross countries we feel loneliness only then, when we are unable to use social media apps. Otherwise, it is our own perception about the time when we're alone which make you creative, too.
ReplyDeletePositivity is the key to carry on.
I think loneliness can strike at any age though the causes may be the different.
ReplyDeleteThe writer has highlighted the big issue of today in all societies. We get so busy with ourselves as we are moving forward and then have to pause and intentionally make time and effort to connect and reconnect with others