New in Norway.

Are you new in Norway and absolutely clueless about what to do? Well, here are a few things you can do that will ease your hardships a little.
  •  Learn the language.

  • This is the first step. You have to register yourself for a Norwegian course. In Oslo, the registration centre is in Helsfyr with the name of Oslo Voksenopplæringsenter. If you are not having time for classroom learning, you can check out the online courses. For example: There are basically 3 books you will learn -

    • På vei

    • Stein på stein

    • Her på Berget.
  • The other books are

    • Møt Amina

    • Ny I Norge. etc.

  • These books are available for free in libraries. Registration into the library is free and you find out the nearest library in your area. Library is called Bibliotek in Norwegian.

  • Some free online exercise books are available for which the links are given here -


  • Some local communes also have free Norwegian classes. Go to your Kommune and find out about these classes.

  • If you want to quickly find a job and are frustrated by not being able to find your way. NAV will help you do it. Register yourself as a jobseeker. If you are finding difficulty in registering, then -

  • Find out to which NAV centre you belong to, go there and ask them to help you. Ask to register you into jobbklubb, jobbsøkerkurs or jobbmesse. These are held every month. Jobbklubb will help you register your Norwegian CV in websites like and and others.

  • It is easy to find a Praksis Plass and not a job immediately to ease your tension a little bit.You can continue to find a job while you are on Praksis.

  • Look for barnahage, skole, kafe or any other work place near to your place of stay. Go to them directly. Ask for a Praksis Plass as you are still learning Norwegian. They are most likely to give you a place. If they agree -

  • Go back to NAV and tell them that you have found a Praksis Plass and ask them to give you the forms to fill out by your employer. Take these forms back and NAV and get yourself registered into the system. NAV will guide you through the process of registration and you can start work.

  • Praksis Plass is a 3 month training time with any employer. You will be paid a nominal stipend by NAV and you get the opportunity to make your way into a job.

If nothing is working out for you then go to your nearest commune centre and find out if they have exercise classes. Join it to keep yourself fit at least in the winter months when the days are only 5-6 hours long. Do not forget to keep your levels of Vitamin B & D high. Find out about your doctor in the community centre. The community centre is called the nærmiljøsenter and the office there is called the stikk innom kontor.


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